North Halsted, North to Dickens

Recently while in the city I took a stroll on N. Halsted St. from North Ave. to W. Dickens Ave. It was a pleasant summer day, but a little hot, so I spent most of my walk on the east side of the street — the shady side.

Sure, the song says to direct your feet to the sunny side of the street. That might be all right some times of the year, but not so much on a clear summer day.

As I wandered along, I decided to take pictures of ordinary North Side buildings along Halsted. I didn’t keep careful notes, but anyone wanting to know exact locations can consult Google Streetview.

Here’s the corner of Halsted and Dickens. Nice building. Then I turned east on Dickens.

Just a small sample. Halsted is a long street, passing through interesting areas both north and south in the city.