Minor Election Day

Local elections today. In as much as any of them got any wider attention, the runoff for mayor of Chicago did. Out here in the suburbs, the elections were for village presidents (mayors), school boards, library boards and the like. The only contest of even mild interest in my particular suburb will determine who will succeed the current mayor, who’s been in office since Hector was a pup.

I’ve received a number of campaign postcards recently, but this election didn’t rise to the level of robo-calls. I don’t think I got any in the run up to the vote today.

I almost forgot to vote. But I remembered about an hour and a half before the polls closed, and walked to my polling place. There were the scattering of signs at the parking lot entrance.

Low voter turnout is almost guaranteed in an election like this, but it occurred to me that that means the votes of those who do turn out thus count for more. In a statewide election, you’re one of tens or hundreds of thousands, or even more; in a local election, you might be one of hundreds.