NW Suburban Tree in Motion

Occasionally I wake up in the wee hours and have trouble falling asleep again, which I figure must be true for a lot of people. That happened this morning at around 4. One strategy to deal with that is to put a very familiar album on the CD player/tape deck on the night table. Familiar and not too loud. I listen to the first song or two and then realize I’m listening to the last, or one of the later songs on the album, having slept through the rest.

That didn’t work this morning, so I just waited for sleep to return as the morning light began to creep into the room. Then I remembered I needed to put gas in my motorcycle, so I put the nozzle in the right place, and sat down at a small cafe table under an umbrella for a cold drink, trusting the pump to shut off automatically. Mm. I’ve never owned a motorcycle, I thought. Ah, I’m dreaming.

Later in the morning, when I was fully awake, I was in the back yard for a few minutes, enjoying a pleasant breeze.

I’m fairly sure that’s an aspen in my back yard, just on my side of the fence. I’ve seen it grow quite tall over the years. It will be one of the first to turn color for the fall — a few leaves are already yellow, I see.

I’ve read that they’re sometimes called quaking aspens. Or trembling aspens. The names certainly fit today.