One More Spring Break

The Quasi-Spring Break I had in March lived up to its name, as winter-lite conditions persisted both in metro Chicago and greater New York. Essentially, wherever I was. Even through April until yesterday, we joined much of the nation in complaining about the cold (though I read that Phoenix had its first 100-degree F. day of the year not long ago).

So time again for another Spring Break. Maybe a warmer one. Back posting around April 29.

Till then, some entertaining music videos to watch. Such as the delightful animated video for Caro Emerald’s “That Man,” released in 2010. A fine homage to Saul Bass, and that mid-century style.

For something with a different vibe, “Ghost of Stephen Foster,” a song by the Squirrel Nut Zippers (2000), and another work of homage. This time to the cartoons of Fleischer Studios.

Finally, a charming video for Joni Mitchell’s cover of “Twisted,” which she released in 1974.

I’ve long enjoyed her version, and in fact it’s the first I heard. Listen for the Cheech and Chong vocal cameo.