Ax vs. Axe

The entirety of a press release I got yesterday for no particular good reason, except maybe a robot read this posting and put my name on a list:

What: Accelerate Axe Throwing will host world champion axe thrower Ben Edgington for a free demo and clinic, helping experts and newbies alike improve their game in this fast-growing sport. Sanctioned by the World Axe Throwing League (WATL).

Who: Ben Edgington of Denver, Colorado is the world’s greatest axe thrower, having won the WATL 2018 World Axe Throwing Championship. Axe throwers from every continent except Antarctica competed for the trophy: a (you guessed it) very sharp, impressive axe. In just one year, Ben went from unemployed to landing a job as an axe coach (which he had never done) to world champ. With a name like Edgington, some would say it’s what he was born to do.

One thing leads to another, as always, so I wasted a few minutes looking further into Mr. Edgington. Here’s a video about him. The funniest thing about that clip is the presence of Mr. Peanut in the axe-throwing space. Guess that’s because of corporate sponsorship.

Also, I wondered — but I’m not going investigate this further, I have a life to live — about the deliberations on whether to name the organization the World Axe Throwing League or the World Ax Throwing League. Opinions might be sharply divided (haw-haw) on the matter.

AP prefers “ax” but most other sources say either variation is valid. If it came to blows among axe (ax) aficionados about the spelling, things could get a mite bloody.