Sledding of Yore

Today would have been a good day for sledding down small hills here in the suburbs: a coating of snow is on the ground, with temps up, just around freezing. Also, the sun was out.

We didn’t do any sledding. On a similar day in February 2013 — except from the look of the pictures, it was overcast — the I took Lilly (15) and Ann (10) out to go sledding at a slope that’s part of a unnamed patch of land that’s part of a catchment.

Off to the slope, through a small playground familiar to both of them.Lilly and Ann 2013

Up the slope.

Getting ready.

Even though they both had sleds, cheapo plastic ones that are still hanging in the garage, apparently they wanted to slide down together sometimes. An action shot, somewhat blurry.

I don’t remember for absolute sure, but I’d say they had a good time. The stuff of youth without being attached to a particular exact month and year, unless dad was around trying to get his mind off the cold by taking pictures.