Dinner Salad & Garden Still Lifes

Last night for dinner, we had tilapia and salad — cucumbers and tomatoes from our back yard. Mostly Yuriko attends to the various garden plants in pots next to our deck, though I do a fair amount of watering, and put the pots back upright when the wind blows them down.

A most delicious salad, pictured here in our red plastic mixing bowl. Looked like this before we added a bit of oil-based dressing and I added croutons to my serving.

The yard produces somewhat more than we can eat. When that happens, as an old friend of mine put it, you’re gardening for virtue.

As long as I had my multitudinous image-maker handy, I thought I’d do a few still lifes as well.

So seldom do I write about art that I had to check: the plural is indeed still lifes, not still lives, which maybe could refer to a cave-dwelling hermits who lead still lives.