Early October Debris

We acquired some pumpkins today.
For now they’ll be on the deck, at risk of squirrel attack. I suppose we’re aspiring to jack-o-lanterns, but the way things go, we might not do any cutting until October 30.

A recent press release I received said, in part: “_____ chewables are refreshing… tablets that ward off fatigue, foggy head and nausea.

“Using Japanese _____, an ancient detox extract with hangover prevention properties and anti-inflammatory effects, _____ also contains potent antioxidants that replenish lost electrolytes. They boost immune support, hydration and give your liver much needed love.”

That should be “much-needed love,” but I’m nit picking. Yet it’s true, we just don’t love our livers enough in this country. Think of all that the liver does for us, and what do we do to it (some of us, anyway)? Lacquer our livers with alcohol.

Even so, I decided to opt out of more mail from that source. I get a lot of email as it is.

The camera does odd things sometimes.
That or I accidentally recorded the dog receiving a telepathic message from her home planet. It’s well known that such messages generate a fleeting green glow at the back of the eyeball.

A recent dusk.

Not long ago I saw a rainbow at about the same time of day. I was able to tell Ann, “Rainbow at night, sailor’s delight, rainbow at morning, sailor take warning.” She’d never heard that. Modern education is pretty much a failure when it comes to weather proverbs. Or is it “red sky”? Both versions exist, as far as I can tell.